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WORK IN PROGRESS: trying to integrate Blog, Pinboards and Bookmarks

Turk's Head Knot Links:

Pinboards = see chapters, Blog) = on Blog, -link) = just a link, -Pint) = on Pinterest,  BlPi) = on Blog and Pinterest,
Turk's Head Casa Knots: the simple 1 over, 1 under ones
-- on Pinterest: Knot a Turk's Head: Basics: casa knots and TH info
-- good starter video to learn a 5L 4B TH on hand: Tie and Tighten a Double-Pass, 5x4 Turkshead Knot  (-link)
-link) 2L 3B Turks head ~Dman
-link) 3L 4B TH, How To Tie The Wood Badge Woggle
-link) 5l 4b turks head ~Dman __onPintrst
-link) 5L 4B, How to Tie and Tighten a Double-Pass, 5x4 Turkshead Knot ~Turk Heads
-link) 7L 6B: 7x6 TH ~JustKnotLT
-link) 7L 6B, How to raise a 5l 4b to a 7l 6b turks head ~Dman
-link) 11L 9B - réaliser un bonnet turc 9 spires 11 ... | Knotted Lanyards
-link) long 2B TH: Two-Bight Turk's-Head Paracord Lanyard ~Stormdrane
-link) long 4B: A Long 4 Bight Paracord Turk's Head Knot - YouTube ~Stormdrane
Blog) Paracordist How to make a Sailor Knot Bracelet woggle video_tut
-link) wide 3L TH, How to tie a Turk's Head ~Animated Knots
Turk's Head Grid Pattern Knots:
-- on Pinterest:  Knot a Turk's Head: Grid Patterns
Turk's Head Info: tips and tricks and explanations
-- on Pinterest: Knot a Turk's Head: Basics: casa knots and TH info
-- ball covering with a TH: a ball needs square-ish TH, meaning about the same amount of bights and leads, like a 5L-4B. If you don't want holes at the poles, 5 bights is the absolute max. For bigger balls you need nested bights / globe knots {ShiCr}
-- casa Knots <-> interweaves: In regards to pineapple knots, is that just any TH with an interwoven TH contained within it? So Herringbones and Headhunters are just forms of Pineapples? And Casa knots are just the basic TH as tied before adding an interweave? {JakeR} in TMTH -- Correct. {BrianK}
-- cord length determination: you can do a "cold run" too: it means going around the pins as you would do to make your knot, but do not do any "Under"-s; another "trick" is to write down what you need for every knot on which mandrel. If you're going to double it, just double that length. Do not forget to add an extra length to the total for begin and end, I add a foot. And go have some fun doing knotting {ShirleyDS} --- excellent suggestion, but would add allowing at least 15% to the length for "take up" Far better to have a bit too much and too little. ~WheatM
- (ES) Pineapple Knot in English = Boton de Pluma in Spanish
Turk's Head Interweaves:
-- Knot a Turk's Head: Interweave Patterns
-link) Gaucho: video-tuto: 8 strand gaucho braid fob using single strand pt1
-link) Pineapple discussed on IGKT forum: Pineapple Knot
-link) (FR) TUTO-Photo: Transformer un bonnet Turc à chevrons, par: nico-matelotagephoto par Michel Since
Turk's Head Programs:

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